
Hythane® is a blend of hydrogen and Natural Gas that yields significant emission reductions whilst being a cost effective gaseous fuel option. Developed by Frank Lynch, supported by Roger Marmaro, the technology was acquired by Eden in 2004.

Hythane® is effectively a premium blend of Natural Gas, containing usually 5-7 percent hydrogen (by energy). Natural Gas is generally about 90+ % methane, along with small amounts of higher hydrocarbons and inert gases like carbon dioxide or nitrogen.


Hythane® = the Premium Blend of Natural Gas H2 + CH4 --» Hythane


Hythane® is effectively a premium blend of Natural Gas, containing usually 5-7 percent hydrogen (by energy). Natural Gas is generally about 90+ % methane, along with small amounts of higher hydrocarbons and inert gases like carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

Hydrogen and methane are complimentary gaseous vehicle fuels in many ways:

  • Methane has a relatively narrow flammability range that limits the fuel efficiency and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions improvements that are possible at lean air/fuel ratios. The addition of even a small amount of hydrogen, however, extends the lean flammability range significantly.

  • Methane has a slow flame speed, especially in lean air/fuel mixtures, while hydrogen has a flame speed about eight times faster.

  • Methane is a fairly stable molecule that can be difficult to ignite, but hydrogen has an ignition energy requirement about 25 times lower than methane.

  • Finally, methane can be difficult to completely combust in the engine or catalyze in exhaust after treatment converters. In contrast, hydrogen is a powerful combustion stimulant for accelerating the methane combustion within an engine, and hydrogen is also a powerful reducing agent for efficient catalysis at lower exhaust temperatures.

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